Josh Chamberlain, Principal


Passed CFP exam, Nov 2019

Opened practice 2018

Product Manager, Cisco Systems

MBA, Georgia State University 2011

IsYe, Georgia Institute of Technology

I’m the Principal and founder of Chamberlain Financial Advisors, located in the heart of Decatur, Georgia.

My mission is to help professional families reach the point where they are making decisions based on their values, rather than purely on money.

When my mother died in 2017, it was a pivotal point in my life. I had a good career, earning good money but, I needed a break. I had been pursuing this career track for 20 years and I needed to step away, to make sure I wanted to continue for the next 20. I took a year off of work to evaluate what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I realized that I was not leaving the impact on the world that I had envisioned and my unique set of skills, passion and and insights could be better used to directly impact the success others, through the lens of personal finance.

With that in mind, I launched this business to help inspire/create/teach/cajole/manage/mediate 100 families, ruled by their values … not the all mighty dollar. Financial freedom!!

I spent years building a successful engineering and software career for Fortune 500 companies, so that my family would reach financial freedom. Always a financial planner at heart, I successfully saved, invested and planned for my own family and friends. Now I am bringing my passion - helping other professional families reach financial freedom - to you. 

I love to cook and I root for all GA teams. I earned an Industrial Engineering degree from Georgia Tech, an MBA from Georgia State, and have family who attended UGA. 


Looking for a financial advisor?

this can help: 14 Questions You Should Ask a Financial Advisor

You need an advisor you can trust and speak candidly with about your concerns, wants and needs. I put together a list of 14 questions (and my answers) that will help you determine if the advisor you are considering is a good match for you.