Do You Give Wisely?
A primary goal of our family is giving back to our community and non-profit organizations that help the less fortunate, sick and the environment.
When considering the average household income in America is $52,000, my family is incredibly rich in wealth and health. A primary goal of mine is giving back to my community and to non-profit organizations that help the less fortunate, sick and the environment.
Give Wisely!
When giving, I use Givewell to ensure that my giving goes as far as possible. Givewell is a nonprofit dedicated to finding outstanding giving opportunities through in-depth analysis. They use a data driven approach based on 4 criteria: evidence of cost effectiveness, cost effectiveness, transparency, room for more funding. They publish all of the data.
When considering the average household income in America is $52,000, my family is incredibly rich in wealth and health.
If none of Givewell’s suggestions resonate with you, there are a number of places like Givewell that can help you determine the right place to put your money. A short list of charities that I’ve vetted and give to are Heifer International, the American Cancer Society and Altamaha Riverkeepers.
How much should you give?
It’s a personal decision. I work with clients who tithe 10% of their income and others who don’t give much money but are generous volunteering their time and talents. I encourage you to think about giving as a means to help other people and less about a tax deduction. However, if you care about medical care, and rural GA, this is a nice program that is also good for your tax bill.
An interesting bonus to giving??
And an added bonus to giving, you’ll feel smarter if you give, and people may think you are smarter!! So go ahead, give, let everybody know how smart you are!
I have been having really productive goal setting sessions with clients. Now is the time to lay out a plan for next year. Schedule a planning session with me in January!! Can you afford to wait another year to start pursuing your goals?